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D Presidential Attire

The Power of a Suit

Luxury Wear

The Power of a Suit


The Power of a Suit


The Power of a Suit is an inspirational guide to help increase your personal value. It is book full of testimonials and facts to inspire young men, women and professionals.

The Power of a Suit is real! When you wear a suit, people view and treat you differently. Your Peers respect you more and you are more likely to flourish both professionally and personally. I wrote this book to share my personal stories, and to provide a physical guide that people can relate to or learn from. Wearing a suit positively impacted my life and afforded me great opportunities to excel and grow.

The Power of a Suit is more than just wearing a suit.  It’s about having the confidence, respect and professional etiquette to match. I also provide insight on The Interview process and dressing for success. I hope that this book inspires many and encourages all to increase their personal value.

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I wrote this book to share personal stories about how wearing a suit changed my life. The Power of a suit is real, but wearing a suit isn’t enough. You need the confidence, manners, and personality to match.

I hope you find value in reading this inspirational guide.